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HomeFootwearBumpers & Winders

Bumpers & Winders

Take care of your cycling footwear with bumpers and winders.

Bumpers refer to a protective rubber or plastic material added to the front of the shoe to provide extra durability and protection against impact and abrasion. This is especially useful when riding off-road, where your feet may come into contact with rocks, roots, or other obstacles.

Bumpers are a great bit of MTB gear as they help to prolong the lifespan your cycling shoes by preventing excessive wear and tear.

Tighten Your MTB Shoes with Winders

Winders are a tightening mechanism typically found in the lacing system of MTB shoes. Winders allow for precise fit adjustments, which can be especially important for mountain bikers who need a secure and snug fit to ensure optimal power transfer and control over your mountain bike. With MTB shoe winders, riders can easily adjust the tension of the laces to achieve the desired fit.

Both bumpers and winders can enhance the performance and comfort of your MTB footwear by providing additional protection and adjustability.